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Santa’s post box

Christmas Fun

Post your wish lists to Santa!

Santa's pOST bOX

If you can’t meet Santa at The Levee, this Christmas, maybe you can send him a letter? This year, Santa’s mail service is coming to The Levee. 

Located next to the big red present at The Riverlink, Santa’s mailbox will be operating from Monday 18 November to Wednesday 11 December. This is to ensure his return letter will arrive before Christmas. 

Santa is very keen to know what children would like for Christmas in their letters. Because Santa is very busy at this time of year he will only be able to provide a quick, general, response to his letters. Please make sure the return address and the child’s name is written clearly on the back of the letter and your phone contact. 

Please note, Santa’s final round of responses will be collected Wednesday 11  December this is to allow the letters time to move through the postal system.  

The Levee takes no responsibility for delays incurred by Australia Post. 

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